Front yard: FULL of color!

Delicate little flowers blooming EVERYWHERE!

Have any idea what herb is in this next photo? (Answer is at the very bottom of this entry.) As always, you may double-click any image to enlarge it!

The Triliums are white when they first bloom and they fade to pink, then this deep pinkish purple before they fade away.

I am really happy that I've been allowing the trailing blackberry (native plant that trips hikers on trails) take over certain areas. It makes and excellent ground cover and the flowers are just an added treasure.

This hanging basket dangles from a shepherd's hook in the front yard.

Shade flowers . . .

One of the many rockeries . . .

Does this next deep red plant look WAXY to you?


This red tulip is nearly spent . . .

But the grandma pink ones are just beginning to bloom!

Flowering bush . . .

Pansies . . .

This pansy looks like a lion to me.

Lilac bush . . .

Marigold . . .

Groundcover ... with weeds mixed in. LOL.

More ground cover . . .

Near the koi pond, in the shade . . .

This columbine appeared in the most unusual place ... in a crack alongside our driveway. (I know people say that Columbine self-seeds but I prefer to assume Faeries planted this beautiful gem for me.

Ah ... I took this photo of a most edible flower ... then fed it to the very grateful rabbit. (Not to worry ... the Dandelion's offspring are still healthy and well to make MORE dandelions.

Bluberry bushes are in bloom . . .

This is a blue spruce that I planted when we first moved in ... it seems to be bushing OUTWARD instead of growing upward (like I expected it to do).

Apple blossoms and buds!

The unnamed herb pictured (above) is Valerian. Boiling the roots for tea really helps the sleepless find good rest. Caution: Cooking Valerian root can make the whole house smell like dirty socks or blue cheese dressing. (The odor is rather fowl.)