Gardening is a year-round affair but with holidays and such, updating a blog like this one can seem sporadic at times. Don't fret. I haven't gone anywhere. Just like bulbs and buds that sprout with the various seasons ... I'll be BACK!
Life-time struggle. I finally just gave up. I'm going a different direction -- just to fully "Be" without being near someone I love who continually bosses. No longer am I swimming that up-stream battle-tide (when maintaining my ideal means consistently banging against the most incorrigible personalities). Making that decision to move on feels so much better. Finally. {{I was insane to keep such relationships going for so long. Stupid ideals. Expecting a different reaction by repeatedly loving (doing the same thing) is just crazy}}.
Funny how - regardless of how much self analysis I do -- I'm always finding aspects of myself that need to improve. "Letting go" of something that doesn't work is sometimes very difficult.
I'm sending distant Reiki ... asking the Universe to heal relationships without me needing to be present; in the muck.
Time to do as this Tarot Card suggests. Move ahead in faith, like The Fool, trusting to experience a better tomorrow.